Thursday, January 12, 2012

Riding the Edwardian wave

Well unlike "Larkrise to Candleford," the currently showing "Downton Abbey" is also being shown in the US, not just the UK, and according to today's New York Times is a phenomenon: If You’re Mad for ‘Downton,’ Publishers Have Reading List:
The British melodrama “Downton Abbey” is already the darling of American public television. Now it has become a marketing tool for booksellers and publishers hoping to tap into the passion of the show’s audience.

Publishers are convinced that viewers who obsessively tune in to follow the war-torn travails of an aristocratic family and its meddling but loyal servants are also literary types, likely to devour books on subjects the series touches.

And as I predicted yesterday, I did identify another actor in Downton who appeared on "Larkrise to Candleford" - Samantha Bond, who played a sugar momma on Larkrise plays the sister of the leading character Lord Grantham. That didn't take long.