Saturday, February 07, 2015

S&G - it's official now

Just got an email from the Players Theater, although unfortunately they abbreviated the name of my play from the full SODOM & GOMORRAH: THE ONE MAN SHOW. And they listed me as Nancy McClernan instead of N. G. McClernan - but at least they spelled my name right.

Players Theatre Short Play & Musical Festival

WEEK ONE (Feb 5th - 8th)
  1. Sammy and the Transvestite by Jordan Barsky 
  2. Love Story For Two Players/Four Personalities by Ivan Faute 
  3. Distance in Space by Patrick McEnvoy
  4. Happy Escort by Michael Hagins
  5. Feelings: the Future of Communication by Richie Alfson 
WEEK TWO (Feb 12th - 15th)
  1. The Desk by Chelsea Holland
  2. The Red Lioness by Chris Chaberski
  3. The Collision on Venus & Mars by Lynn-Steven Johanson 
  4. Brad Pitt by Michael Long
  5. I Love Myself: The Masturbation Musical by Jaime Summers 

WEEK THREE (Feb 19th to 22nd)
  1. Early Birds by Natalie Parker-Lawrence
  2. Spring Cleaning by Carol Kahn
  3. We Are Warriors by Patrick Blake
  4. Sodom & Gomorrah by Nancy McClernan
  5. Sex Scene by Jenna Waltuch


Tickets $30Special Offer $25 (use code PTNEWS)BUY TICKETS NOW!By phone 212-352-3101

For more info visit